Monday, May 28, 2018

Tommy Robinson - White Conservative Counterpart of Nelson Mandela

Why should the leftists have all the heroes?  No, it doesn’t work that way.
According to what’s been reported, what’s going on, the British authorities have gone bad.  And the regular people rise.  
And a hero from among them, one young man who only sought to live life and mind his own business was stirred by injustice, by abuse of power held by corrupt folks, foreigners were invited in and abused the host’s population ’s young girls. The authorities responsible for law and order have betrayed the constituents and collude with the foreigners.

The people react, they rise. And one from among them, 

Tommy Robinson has been raised up by his own conscious and now that his heart has been pulled, it will not go slumber again.  He may die, he has already suffered, his family members have suffered, his livelihood has been invaded, his wife has been abused as well.

When he seeks to speak truth to power, the powers react with fear and oppressive force to silence him.  

Too late!

The cat has slipped out the bag and it will not go back in. 
All the rules, regulations, orders, prohibitions, beatings, jailing, suppression, etc., they are all an exercise in futility. And they should be.

Not only that, his truth has spread worldwide and it’s here in the Western Hemisphere as well.

People have the right to be free.  Leftists of yesterday have taken powers and now are the oppressors.  They will not win.  They will not win.  They will lose. The people will defeat them.

Down with the Oppressive Left 

Down with the Muslim Grooming Gangs who take little girls and rape them, groom them to become the new comfort women of these hoodlums.  And the British government turns its back on this abuse.  And imprisons and tries to destroy the hero, Tommy Robinson.  He, Tommy Robinson, is not alone. 
Just as Steven Biko was killed, then rose Nelson Mandela. Mandela was imprisoned for many years.  He was released under tremendous pressure exerted by the world against the South African minority government. 

Then Nelson Mandela took the country. 

British government, be careful with that little cub you kick around.

One day that little cub will be a powerful tiger. Or another fellow former cub will grow to become that powerful tiger that will vanquish you and avenge all the abuses you approve.

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